Cat sith are people who have been touched by faerie magic, gained from a bargain with one of the great fey, that grants them the ability to adopt the forms of great black cats. Many cat sith are witches, though they also come from the ranks of druids, rangers, and anyone else who lives in or near the realms of the faerie. Most common folk consider black cats to be ill-omened creatures, and they stave off the bad fortune such creatures bring by leaving off erings of cream on their doorsteps.

Level 7 Cat Sith

Attributes. Increase three by 1
Characteristics. Health +4, Power +1, Perception +1
Languages and Profession. You can speak another language or gain a profession.
Form of the Black Cat You can use an action to assume the form of a large cat, covered in black fur with a white spot on your chest. While in this form, you use the following statistics box in place of your own. You can remain in this form for up to 1 hour, and you can revert to your normal form by using an action or a triggered action on your turn. You also revert to your normal form if you become incapacitated. You can use this talent a number of times equal to your Power score. You regain expended uses after you complete a rest.

Black Cat

SIZE 1 faerie

Perception 13 (+3); darksight
Defense 15; Health 20 + your Health score
Strength 14 (+4), Agility 14 (+4), Intellect 8 (-2), Will 11 (+1)
Speed 12
Immune gaining insanity, frightened


Talons (melee) +4 with 2 boons (1d6)
Beak (melee) +4 with 2 boons (1d3)


Claws and Teeth You attack twice with your claws and once with your teeth.
Pouncing Attack You move up to your Speed and attack twice with your claws, dealing 1d6 extra damage on each success.


Dire Crossing While moving, you can use a triggered action to lay a curse on one creature within 1 yard of you. The target must get a success on a Will challenge roll or become cursed for 1 minute or until you use Dire Crossing again. While cursed, the target makes all attack rolls and challenge rolls with 1 bane. Furthermore, whenever the total of an attack roll or a challenge roll made by the target is 0 or lower, the target gains 1 Insanity.

Level 10 Cat Sith

Characteristics. Health +4
Dire Cat While in your black cat form, you gain a +1 bonus to Size, you have a +20 bonus to Health, and your teeth attacks deal 1d6 extra damage.