You are a stout, hirsute humanoid.
Typical dwarfs stand 3 to 4 feet tall but are strong and tough. They have dense, compact bodies, weighing upwards of 200 pounds, often muscled and covered in coarse hair. Facial hair has always been a point of pride with dwarfs, and a well-groomed beard, all silky and soft, plays a large part in courtship for both potential grooms and brides. Dwarf mothers even carry their newborn babes in swaddling made from the luxurious growth of their chins.
Dwarf Ancestry
Health: +4
Size: 1/2, Speed: 5
Languages: Dwarfish.
Senses: Keen Vision
Short Legs: When a dwarf runs, they merely double their speed score.
Hard Target: impose 1 bane on rolls to attack a dwarf by creatures larger than them.
Low Center of Gravity: When pushed, pulled, or moved against their will, the dwarf can make a Strength roll. On a success, ignore the effect.
In addition, a dwarf counts as being 1 size for the purpose of making unarmed attacks and unarmed attacks made against it.
Superior Constitution: When the dwarf becomes poisoned, they make a luck roll. On a success, they end the affliction.